Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

The Turkish team visited the "Mercan Climate and Environment Science Center"
in Mersin which is a city 100 km away from Adana. A new science center has been opened there. Teachers were on duty in each department and they informed the students. The Mayor of Mersin Metropolitan Municipality was also with them at the center. It was a very useful visit for both teachers and students.

December 2023
Finally our short films on Madeira have been completed and introduced to the school members. Have a look and enjoy the wonderful memories.
Turkish film:
Hungarian film:

January 2024
In the new year we started to work on our final project result – our BOARD GAME.
The Hungarian Team discussed the outline of the game in December – as it is their task to complete and edit the final form of the game on the base of the other Teams' ideas.
Here you can read the call for the BOARD GAME.

After returning from Portugal, we shared our experiences with the teachers and students through presentations. We published articles in local newspapers and social media.
The students visited different classes, showed videos and talked about skills gained in another culture, education system, weather and nature. Visual content conveyed experiences in a more vivid and compelling way.
We made a board in our Erasmus Corners about our visit to Madeira and let all visitors experience our adventures.

October 2023
The fourth project meeting took place in Funchal (Madeira, Portugal), where 32 teachers and students from participating Italian, Swedish, Turkish and Hungarian schools took part.
The host school organized a rich program related to the topic of the project and the Teaching, Training and Learning activities.
We planted trees, listened to lectures and got ideas for including recycling and sustainability in the lessons. We learned about traditions and the efforts made to protect nature. A meeting was held with the local authorities and a visit was also made to the Municipality of Funchal.
The students presented a summary of the Summer Sustainability Challenge held in their schools.
The main attractions were the FAIR and the FASHION SHOW, which were enjoyed by the participants, host families and teaching staff.
September 2023
Besides starting the new school term all the Erasmus+ Teams were busy with the preparations for our next visit to Madeira.
We had planned a FAIR and a FASHION SHOW using recycled materials for the goods and for the outfits.
You can read the call for these events here:
First of all the goods for our FAIR were prepared in the schools, five different items and four pieces of each objects. Researches were going on, ideas were discussed, materials were collected and finally the "masterpieces" were ready for delivery.
The same process was going on in connection with the outfits. It was also the Teams task to introduce the different pieces of clothes during the FASHION
SHOW, so our students were prepared for that as well. They were also asked to put a summary together on the Summer Sustainability
Challenge carried out in their schools and present it in the Portuguese school. Towards the end of September, another online meeting took place, where the coordinators discussed the details of the visit and the program, as well as received practical advice from the Portuguese organizers.
July-August 2023
During the summer holidays our students took part in our "SUMMER SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE" and chose the activities they wanted to
complete. They sent their entries to their teachers and we uploaded them on our website. You can check them here:
June 2023
The visit to Vaxholm was a great success and the summary of the meeting and a discussion on school systems can be read here: Summary of learning activities
Students presented their PPTs on the activities they had carried out in connection with our project.
Some copies of Our Green Book were delivered to the meeting for the winners of the story writing competition and for the school libraries, but it can be read online as well with the help of the following code:
Returning home the local winners got their presents from each country (Class 1, age 10-11 from Portugal, Aysel Elif Dag, age 13 from Türkiye, Ingrid Kyllermark Ytterström, age 13, from Sweden, Oppedisano Elisa, Bellantone Rebecca, Impusino Cinzia, Borgese Federica Paqualone Marta age 14 from Italy) together with the International winner (Julka Gunda, age 12 from Hungary). CONGRATULATIONS, they all did a great job!
Before closing up for the summer holidays awaited by everyone - we advertised our next challenge, the SUMMER SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE! We are looking for the entries (after solving our technical problems of the website! :) We wish everybody a challenging vacation! :)))
Summer challenge

May 2023
This month was full of excitements.
Every Erasmus+ Team was preparing the materials for the third visit of the project in Sweden. The Student Representatives finished their PPT presentations about the different activities had been completed during the previous months and practised the commentaries.
In the Hungarian school main the event was the Family Day organized together with the school's Parents' Board and with the help of the "Creation Protection Association".
Competitions had been announced on the topic of nature preservation and the winners got
valuable presents.
At the very end of the month the third meeting in Vaxholm started with 8 representatives (4 Teachers and 4 Students) of each country.

April 2023
We started the month with an online meeting where the most urgent tasks were discussed – the
next visit to Sweden. Our students were prepairing their PPT presentations on the activities of
the previous months.
Our Green Book competition was over and the local winners were presented in their school.
After that it was the Italian team's task to edit and print some copies and create an e-book from
the stories.
At the end of the month every school celebrated the Earth Day with different activities.
In the Hungarian school the Used Clothes and Book Fair was organized with the help of their
students. Parents donate used but high-quality clothes and books to the school twice a year and
they invite people living in the neighborhood to come and buy the items. The income is given to
charity or used for buying reward books.

March 2023
It was time to upload the chosen stories for Our Green Book into the folders created by the Italian school – as their task is to edit and publish an e-book as well as some printed copies of our book.
In the Italian school students worked on planting trees and plants. They have decided to make their school “greener” and more beautiful. This activity was not new for them because during the past years, they also planted trees and plants and analyzed the different plants of the public gardens of Cittanova.
In the Portuguese school it was also time for planting trees and bushes in the school.
In the Hungarian school an other school's exhibition was invited and presented for their students as the theme of the exhibition had a lot of common with our project's topic – the created world and its preservation.
The collection of plastic bottle tops continued and they were delivered to a firm that deals with their recycling.

February 2023
Our students finished the stories for Our Green Book and we voted for the best ones (3-6 stories/shool).
The Italian students dealt with the subject of green energy. There were different meetings involving students, teachers, experts in order to discuss about this topic.
The students participated in the national competition proposed by the Ministry of Education: "Senate and Environment", with the project entitled "SOS - THE EARTH CALLS AND THE STUDENTS RESPOND". The students were involved in 5 different meetings, each of which included a lecture held by experts and have managed to win the competition and to be awarded in Rome by the President of the Italian Republic, thanks to a model of a city powered by renewable energy and a video.
At the end of February our students visited "Fattoria della Piana", a biomass power station where organic material is used.
In February our school was active with the aim of educating the students on fundamental issues about the environment and green energy.
The Hungarian students visited Budapest Waste-to-Energy Plant and had an insight into the operation of the Plant. The visit was organised by the Lord Mayor of our district as a consequence of the students progressive ideas on how to change and help the protection of our environment.
Unfortunately a tragic piece of news was announced through this month – the earthquake in Türkiye. Sadly our partner school in Adana was effected as well, so the Turkish school was closed fo more than a month.
We tried to help in different ways. The Hungarian school collected more than 200 sleeping bags and sent them to the the people remaining without shelter with the help of the Turkish Embassy.
Portuguese students collected used clothes and donated them to people in need and the clothes that didn't fit to be donated used in the project club and recycled them.
They also collected expired medicines so that they are not thrown in the regular rubbish.

January 2023
After the shorter/longer winter holidays we got back to school and continued our project activities. Children were working on the stories for Our Green Book, consulted with their language teachers and planned the illustrations.
In the Italian school activities were organized around collecting waste and separating all the items, according to the criteria of separate collection and made an effective attempt to help and keep the environment clean.
On January 18th, the students together with the teachers and the coach of the football team "Reggina" decided to go to the beach of Reggio Calabria to collect the waste and then separate them into containers.
On 21st January students went to the green area called Vacale to clean the riverbed.
They also established to do the separate waste collection in each class.
In the Poruguese school students were preparing some posters to make the school community aware of how to save water and energy.
In the Hungarian school an action plan was prepared by the Leadership with the help of the student government how to save energy and this plan was discussed in every class with the children.
Our expert - Diana Ürge-Vorsatz - was invited again to speak about the influence of the climate change catastrophe on our students' mental state.

December 2022
Before the schools closed up for the winter holidays, we advertised ”Our Green Book” contest, the plan of a collection of stories and illustrations on enviromental topics – see our call for the competition.
November 2022
In each school Teachers and Students shared their experiences with their classmates, colleagues, parents. They prepared PPTs and presented them in the schools.
They spoke about the forthcoming tasks and they selected the small environmental protection steps that are followed at school level.
October 2022
The second Project Meeting took place in Adana, Türkiye and hosted 32 Teachers and Students from the Italian, Portuguese, Swedish and Hungarian participating schools.
The Turkish host school provided a rich programme in and around Adana.
The four ”Ministers” from each school had their discussion and signed the Interplanetary Agreement. They decided to choose one point for each month and take the environmental issues into consideration in small steps.
The “Travelling Exhibition” was taken from Hungary and displayed in the Turkish school which showed the model of each planet (their flag, logo, appearance) and its operating principles.
Participants gained an insight into the Turkish educational system and the school's speciality – the inclusive education for children with mild mental disabilities and the integration of foreign students/migrants.
We learned about the language teaching problems in general and in the host school (great number of students in a class, exam centred system concentrating on the grammar rules with the least chance of speaking activities, lack of motivation towards learning a language). We saw some ideas in connection with teaching environmental topics through English.
We listened to Nurettin Celmeoğlu' s (Local paper columnist, researcher of local natural and cultural heritages and environmental issues) presentation on the vital questions of protecting our environment. With his guidance we visited Adana's Waste Water Plant.
We had time to get to know the rich cultural and gastronomical background of the host country. On the last day we evaluated the meeting and informed the local media about the results and outlined our future tasks.
Evaluation of our second meeting in Adana, Türkiye – October 2022
September 2022
After starting the new school term the Turkish Erasmus+ Team started arranging our next meeting in Adana. We agreed on the tasks to prepare for the visit. These are the next:
Our meeting will be the meeting of the “Ministers of the Planets” in Turkey.
Every country sends 4 children - 4 Ministers -, so they can be each responsible for one field concerning their planet.
These could be the following:
1) democratic parliament, electing their representatives/ministers,
2) education, health/food/sport, traffic,
3) environmental protection – collecting waste, recycling, sustainable environment,
4) sensible use of technical devices.
So the 4 Ministers should bring along their ideas on these topics, have a meeting with the same Ministers and agree on the common points and ideas how their planets should work.
By the end of the meeting they would create an Interplanetary Agreement.
Choose a well-known song every child knows in your group and create a new lyrics describing your planet or saving the environment.
If you wish to design a flag for your planet that would enrich the exhibition and involve more students as this is one of our goals.
July – August 2022
In the middle of June all the participating schools were closed for the summer vacation but the students continued their work and wrote a blog about their Zero Waste Challenge.
Two groups from each shool took turns and introduced their experiences in this topic.
We were amazed how many good ideas they had about preserving their enviroment. Although these were small steps we guess their attention was drawn to the importance how to take care of our environment.
You can read about their ideas here:
or through our website in the "Contact" section https://guardianofgalaxypr.wixsite.com/project01/contact – if you click on the link at the bottom.
June 2022
After the first Transnational Project Meeting in Budapest all the participating schools
were busy to disseminate the event in their countries in meetings, Teachers' conferences and in articles.
Here are the articles about the visit in Budapest:
Italian article:
Turkish article:
Portuguese article:
Hungarian articles:
Besides these we published the Students' presentations of the conference as well.
Here are the links if you are interested:
Erasmus+ Conference 2022 - Hungarian School's Presentation
Erasmus+ Conference 2022 - Italian School's Presentation
Erasmus+ Conference 2022 - Portuguese School's Presentation
Erasmus+ Conference 2022 - Swedish School's Presentation
Erasmus+ Conference 2022 - Turkish School's Presentation
May 2022
At the beginning of May the first Transnational Project Meeting took place in Budapest and hosted 31 Teachers and Students from the Italian, Portuguese, Swedish and Turkish participating schools.
The Hungrian host school did its best to provide a rich programme.
Click to view Programme
Click to view Lesson Observations
There were three outstanding moments during the visit besides all the lesson observations, school visits, cultural and social events.
• A presentation by Diana Ürge-Vorsatz, a Nobel prize winning CEU Professor at the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy and a Vice Chair of Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on climate changes and environmental issues.
• A Conference where the Students presented their ideas on their planets and intorduced the different fields of interest had been discussed with their Erasmus+ Teams. The event was opened by the Vice Lord Mayor of the Local Council, Márton Kovács, responsible for environmental topics of the district.
• A visit to the Lord Mayor of the second district and a short presentation how the local council contributes with the needs of the preservation of the environment of the district.
• A visit to the Lord Mayor of the second district and a short presentation how the local council contributes with the needs of the preservation of the environment of the district.
Click to read The evaluation of the Meeting

April 2022
By April, all the preparatory tasks had been completed and the organisation process of the programme in Budapest came to an end.
Finally, the Erasmus + corner was arranged in the Swedish school and an article about the project was published in a local magazine.
March 2022
Let us introduce the artist of the winning logo!
His name is Batuhan Özmen and he goes to the Sehit Ismail Demir Secondary School in Adana,
Turkey. Congratulations to him again!!!
In the photo he is receiving a present from his Teachers but every school is going to send a
small prize to him from the Budapest meeting.
Meanwhile the Erasmus+ Teams are working on the project.
The short films on the schools are being prepared and the ideas in connection with the
imaginary planets are presented in a PPT.
The Hungarian school is busy with organising the first meeting in Budapest. They are inviting
lecturers, booking hotel rooms, finding host families, organizing cultural programmes... So
everybody is very excited!

February 2022
At the beginning of February an "International Voting Process" was going on. 80 Children and Teachers from each school could vote for the best entry.
Finally with the help of the organizing Italian school the results were announced:
For the project “Be the Guardian of the Galaxy Yourself” Turkey (with 111 votes) won the logo competition.
The Portuguese logo (with 102 votes) was on the second place and Italy (67) - Sweden (66) - Hungary (52) nearly equally shared the third position, being really minor differences in their individual scores
As a result, the logo from Turkey will be the official logo for the project “Be the Guardian of the Galaxy Yourself” and will appear in any document and publication under the name of the project.
The coordinators had their next online meeting to discuss the following tasks:
• making an introductory film about the participating schools
• working on the chosen topics
• preparing drawings/plans/maps/models for the travelling exhibition on the planets
• making an introductory film about the planets
• preparing the draft of the ”Local Interplanetary Agreement”
They set the time of their visit to Hungary. So the first Transnational Opening Project Meeting will be held in Budapest between 8-13 May (if the political and COVID19 situation allows) with the participation of 16 Teachers,16 Children from Italy, Portugal, Turkey and Sweden and the members of the host school.
We are looking forward to it!

January 2022
At the beginning of the new year Children were working on the logo competition. All the entries were collected in the participating schools and then they were put on a display and Teachers and Children could vote for the best ones.
At the same time with the help of the Erasmus+ Teams the main topics of the cooperation were chosen by the Children in a democratic way. They started working on the topics, collecting ideas, planning the planets' outlook... (see an example from the Hungarian school)

December 2021
By December every Erasmus+ Team had their "kick-off" meeting and they arranged the Erasmus+ Corner in a public place of their school to let the parents-children-teachers-visitors know about the project and besides the common website be able to follow the project events.
Click for the slide of Swedish Team
At the beginning of December the Italian school sent out the call for the LOGO COMPETITIONand the preparations started for it.(Click for the "Call for the competition")

November 2021
Our project work started with the Coordinators' first online meeting.
We discussed the tasks for the near future and the deadlines.
The tasks are
1 A kick-off meeting for the Erasmus+ Teams
They are the "management" of the project. So it is vitally important to be updated by the new pieces of information.
2 To connect our website to the school websites (As soon as possible!)
3 Prepare a poster/notice board in the school to let the visitors/children/parents know about the project (Deadline: 1st December)
4 Italian school advertises the Logo competition (Deadline of the call: 6th December)
5 Start to plan the Introductory film on your school (Start as soon as possible, it's a long process! Simple language, length is not more than 4-5 minutes!)
6 Decide on 4-5 fields of interest you want to work with on your planet together with the children. Start planning your planet's outlook, draw pictures and spare them for the travelling exhibition!!!
October 2021
The coordinator school signed the contract with their National Agency and the Project Coordinator took part in an online project kick-off meeting which was full of very useful pieces of information.
We got the evaluation of the project as well and we are on the way to complete our plans according to the remarks made by the experts.
Click for evaluation document.
September 2021
Towards the end of this month we got the ”green light” to our Erasmus+ project and the budget of 183.492 Euros for the five participating schools.
We could hardly believe that we were among the eight supported projects out of the 24 applications.
May 2021
Writing the application, agreeing on the ideas, struggling with the technical problems and checking the final form filled the month.After 20th May we just hope for the best! :)))
April 2021
All schools dealt with the questionnaires, collected the answers and sent the results to the Coordinator School. (?)
March 2021
We hold the first online meeting for the Coordinators. We shortly introduced ourselves and our schools and discussed the outline of the project which had been sent to the schools earlier. We went through the questionnaire, discussed the tasks and set the deadlines.