Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project Results
17 Final Questionnaire and Analysis
At the end of our project, we asked our students from all five participating schools to fill out a questionnaire. 331 responses were received regarding how they feel and how much their attitude has changed in terms of environmental protection, sustainability, recycling or zero waste. The questionnaire, the answers and the analysis can be read in this document.
16 Our Call To Action
"Our Call To Action" is a collection of different ideas based on the cooperation of the five participating schools in the project so far. We asked our students to look around in their school, district and surrounding area and find out what problems they can see and what changes they could suggest to make our world better, more liveable and more sustainable. They grouped these suggestions accordingly - if they can change them themselves, - if they need the help of their parents or teachers, - or the problem and the solution require the help of the local government employees. We hope this is a good pedagogical strategy for the future, not to finish our responsibility for our surroundings and nature after finishing the project.
15 Articles
This is a collection of some of the articles published during our project on different fields of media (Facebook, newsletters, local newspapers, websites) which helped the dissemination of our project.
14 "Recycled" Fashion Show and Fair
During our visit to Portugal, Madeira one student from each partner country had to parade in a recycled outfit (clothes made from recyclable materials and old, damaged clothes transformed into new items) made by the students of that country - like a real fashion show. At the same time all the countries also had the opportunity to exhibit and "sell" five-five products made from recyclable materials. All the products were on display until they were "sold" using "Galactic money" to the International and local Students and their families.
13 Board Game
”Be the Guardian of the Galaxy Yourself!" is a board game where players compete to clean the beach and collect the most waste. It contains different questions that the five schools put together. At the end of the game players should decide which waste goes in which selective bin. Every school has a copy of the game as a summary of the 32-months cooperation of the participating schools.
12 Global Interplanetary Agreement
After several discussions, the representatives of the five imaginary planets have agreed on a list of activities they wish to carry out after “returning to Earth” in hope of an ideal future. The following statements compose the Global Interplanetary Agreement and it functions as guidelines for the future signed by the representatives of the five schools.
11 Digital Escape Room
A digital escape room with focus on recycling and renewable energy. Created for the Erasmus+ Project "Be the Guardians of the Galaxy Yourself!" by the Swedish school
10 Our Green Book
This collection of stories was compiled in the framework of the Erasmus+ project (“Be the Guardian of the Galaxy Yourself”), in which five schools from five countries (Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Sweden and Turkey) work together on different topics like environmental protection, sustainability or individual responsibility. The stories in the book are the best ones of each school. The local winners were marked with a small goblet and the stories follow each other according to the age of their writers, starting with the youngest. The printed versions of this booklet are in the school's libraries, the e-book can be reached through this link.
9 Our "Zero Waste Challenge" 2023
"Zero Waste" Challenge 2023 Encouraged by the success of the previous summer's Zero Waste challenge, we announced the campaign again, but this time the schools came up with tasks separately and tried to complete them. We were very happy that many people came up with a variety of great ideas and enjoyed the challenges. We also rewarded those who implemented the best and most ideas at the end of both summers.
8 PPTs on Activities (created by Students)
Before the meetings, we asked our students to prepare a report on the work done in their school, thus giving the others ideas about what opportunities they have to develop topics related to the project.
7 Interplanetary Agreement
Among our project's preparatory tasks of the “Galaxy Game” students performed their local ideas and their elected “Executive Ministers” responsible for the topics reported on the results achieved during the first months of their cooperation. They outlined the points and topics of the “Interplanetary Agreement” on the operation of their “planets” which they could follow in the next period. This time they had to use their fantasy and gave ideas how they would imagine their planet. Our “Interplanetary Agreement” is a joint statement on the operation of the “imaginary planets” and was signed by the Student participants.
6 Methodology File
This is a collection of more than 40 ideas completed by the five participating schools (from Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, Türkiye) in the project "Be the Guardian of the Galaxy Yourself". We recommend them for involving the following topics in your teaching: environmental protection, environmental awareness, recycling, "Zero Waste". We hope you find these teaching materials useful.
5 ”Zero Waste Challenge” 2022
Summer "Zero Waste" Challenge 2022 In our Group Blog schools took turns during the summer vacation and shared how they tried to "produce" as little garbage as possible, not to throw away food, pollute the air, waste water or energy and involved their family members into the challenge as well.
4 Erasmus+ Students' Conference 2022 Budapest
During the first Transnational project Meeting the main event was our Students' Conference in Budapest, held in the local Cultural Centre with the participation of the delegates from each school for the host school's students, teachers, stakeholders and press. The Students had to perform in front of a large audience including the members of the Local Council and the media and speak about their ideas of the planets they had to create and described their new inventions to make life better and more liveable on their imaginary planets.
Erasmus+ Conference 2022 - Hungarian School's Presentation
Erasmus+ Conference 2022 - Italian School's Presentation
Erasmus+ Conference 2022 - Portuguese School's Presentation
Erasmus+ Conference 2022 - Swedish School's Presentation
Erasmus+ Conference 2022 - Turkish School's Presentation
3 Travelling Exhibition on the Imaginary Planets
In the first phase of our project children had to use their fantasy and gave ideas how they would imagine their planet.
Every school brought along their ideas in connection with them during the first Transnational Project Meeting which took place in Budapest.
Paintings and drawings represented the different fields of interest which had been created before the meeting and a small exhibition was put up in the assembly hall of the host school. This exhibition "travelled" from country to country, so every school could enjoy the rich fantasy of the creators.
(In the Hungarian school besides these in two display cabinets reborn-bags, re-generation bags and T-shirts made of recycled materials were exhibited as an addition to the topics previously discussed.)
2 Logo Competition
All students from the participating schools were invited to participate in the LOGO contest for the creation of a final logo that will identify our Erasmus+ Project “Be the Guardian of the Galaxy Yourself”. Here you can see the Call for the contest and the final results.

1 Short introductory films about the participating schools
One of our tasks was to introduce our schools to the participants of the project for the first
Transnational Project Meeting which took place in Budapest.
Here you can watch all our introductions:
Italian school:
Portuguese school:
Swedish school:
Turkish School:
Hungarian school: